Mild weather now=mild hurricane season. The best time to prune is after you learn how; seeing as far as I want to see

Sunday, May 3, 2009.  I’m loving the chilly nights we’ve been having, and the mild breezy days. The mild weather this late into the year always means the upcoming hurricane season will be mild also.  Which means no scary stuff for us this year.  So remember that a few months from now when the weather folks start pointing out every storm that brews in the Atlantic.  We don’t care.  We know that whatever they are, they will be manageable and just follow their course.  And even if they pass right through us, well, we’ve had big winds already this year and we’re still here and we’re still fine.

I spent yesterday finishing the billing and opening last week’s mail.  Saturday is also my day to use the sprinklers so they are on nearly all day, with me moving them every hour or so.  I have created front and back privacy walls of ficus, bamboo, arborvitae, turk’s cap, lantana, philodendron, loquat, mostly by just sticking cuttings in the ground every time I prune a plant. I prune by the moon phase, so I prune anytime from 12 hours after full moon until the last quarter, 7 days later. 

Energetically, there is a peaking of electromagnetic energy in all living things at the time of the full moon, and then a slow withdrawal of energy for the next two weeks, as the moon wanes.  This is when the sap flows downwards into the roots.  The best time for pruning is that first week after full moon.

A good rule of thumb is: the best time to prune is after you learn how. Take a quick Google to learn how to prune for maximum control, production and plant protection.  Like don’t leave those little nubs when you cut a branch off.  Cut it flush with the limb, otherwise the bark won’t heal over the nub.  Little things like that are good to know.

Anyway, my point is I have lots of plants to water, and that is why I have so many, because I cultivate them that way.  It helps me feel a sense of privacy and living in my own world here, although I am actually in a neighborhood with neighbors all around.

My saving grace is having the wooded lots on either side of my home, with tall trees and lush vegetation.  That extends my living space a lot, and also allows me to see as far as I want to see. When I do yoga outside, I can either focus on the mulberry tree with all the birds and squirrels in it, and the beautiful oak tree just beyond, or I can stand over on the east edge and see into a neighbor’s back porch with binoculars.  When I look to the west, I see nothing but trees and sky.  What a blessing that is.  Behind me, I can see the arborvitae and crepe myrtle and silver necklace pod, and past it to the pines, or I can look past the pines to the top of Todd’s roof and the power pole.

I can see as far as I want to see.  I can stop short of looking at something, even if it is in my line of vision.  We do it all the time.  Example: we say we want a life mate, then ignore the one who stands beside us for lo those many years.  We see what we choose to see.  I see what I choose to see.

And I see living in a world that is loving and helpful and kind and generous.  I see living around people who get pleasure from encouraging each other in their visions, and their visions are diverse.  I see everyone coming to know their own power and potential and having fun in the playing with that.  I see the entire world and beyond as my playground, and I see the Universe as my personal manager.

That’s what I see when I open my eyes.  And do I let Todd’s roof get in the way of that view?

Nah.  I barely know it’s there.

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