Keeping a secret, I get to watch the spin in action

In an “emergency” reading last night with a long standing client, he handed the phone to a friend of his who had a very exciting story to tell.  The story will hit the national news any day now.  It will be interesting to observe who has what spin on the matter, who will be promoting what viewpoint, and for what gain.  Sadly, I won’t write about it again until maybe years later when everything is public record.  Ah, yes, the waiting game.  Until then, the secret is safe with me. There is something very delicious about having a secret, knowing something that no one knows, and no one knows you know. Especially if it’s something that would give you a little edge up, some social cachet if it were known. I love secrets like that. 

Secrets that if others knew it, they would treat you differently, some for better, some for worse.  Something that others might shout from the rooftops for attention and kudos.  I love secrets like that.  Because of the nature of my work, confidentiality is crucial.   I do have several celebrity clients that friends would love to hear me talk about — but that’s not even an option for me.  I don’t even mention them.  There’s no faster way to get dropped and be fired.  So if I want to be in on all the juicy, good stuff, I have learned to keep it to myself.  I have such a rich and delicious life.  Even if it just looks like white bread to everyone else.

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