Jade Wah’oo Grigori gave an excellent presentation tonight

Jade Wah’oo Grigori gave an excellent presentation tonight and he’ll be in town through next Wednesday.  Jade has a wealth of free information on his website, articles, audio including a shamanic drumming journey, video including earth renewing ceremony. Take a taste of Jade and then travel to Indialantic to see him while he’s here.  He is engaging and full of knowledge, his shamanic drumming tonight was truly transcendent.   Toy-ahn-ah-me’ is a song, ceremony and teaching. Our Spirit’s body is a large oval field, comprised of shimmering filaments that bundle together around the various Threads of Intent such as communication, sexuality, caring, abundance, creativity, trust etc. Thru emotional shock or trauma, through fear, threat and demeanment, the threads become entangled, preventing self-expression. We feel inept, unworthy, incapable in those respective areas of life. Toy-ahn-ah-me’ frees the threads, allowing and enabling them to reactivate in resonance with our Spirit’s Threads of Intent. We then find ourselves transformed, free, able to experience and express in those arenas of life’s endeavors that have been activated.


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