Izzy daBig giantKitty braves surgery and loses his bubble

April 23, 2012.  Izzy DeBig-giantkitty gets to go to the vet today to have the bubble on his back checked out. He’s not happy about skipping breakfast and he may now be tying that to the carrying cage I placed by the door on Friday… If he doesn’t get breakfast yet, I don’t get breakfast yet. It’s only fair.  I took him in 90 minutes early so he could get used to the office before they began poking and prodding him. He needed to have this done, even though the vet makes me bring his shots up to date when he’s treated. I like my cats to be vaccine free as long as possible, except for what the law requires. It’s healthier since they eat a partially natural diet.  Dr. Joiner at Animal Medical Clinic (they rock!) removed the bubble tumor the same day.  I am glad they could do it in one visit for him, Izzy is such a scaredy cat. The tech was having a time getting his long and sleek 20+ lbs into his carrying case, so I showed her how to back him into it.   He slept at the foot of the bed the first two nights. His sutures are healing nicely.  I’ve dabbed them with aloe from the garden. He’s such a trooper, he acts like his back isn’t all stiched up like Frankenstein. Yinnie DeMini-Cow has been leaving him alone for once.

It was a tumor, I forgot to ask what kind, it was very shallow under the skin and very mobile, all the mass was on top, so they knew it would be a quick surgery. Luck was on our side today, getting his surgery the same day, back home by dinnertime, by the time his drugs wear off it will be just a dream to him.  It doesn’t seem to bother him, thank goodness for menopause so I can be up every hour all night long to check on him 🙂

April 27, 2012 update: His stitches are healing quickly.  I may cancel his appointment for next week and remove them myself.  No need to traumatize him further.  I’m so glad it was in between his shoulder blades, so he wasn’t tempted to bite at it or rub it against anything.  We are the luckiest family on the planet, for sure.  Even when challenges come up, they are minor and manageable, and usually the best case scenario.  I am so blessed.