It’s inspiring to share space with someone who has the same daily sadhana I have

I forgot how totally cool it is to share space with someone who has the same basic sadhana, or daily practice I have.  A friend has been visiting and mostly keeping to himself in the master suite, working on a writing project.  Twice a day we’ve been doing yoga and meditation together.  He’s doing silence this week so we don’t speak, but simply sitting and stretching together is a powerful interaction.  Attuning our breathing to each other, our body movements in the poses, with complete awareness yet in complete silence.   Sitting side by side to meditate,  there’s a definite difference in the energy of the room, with two rather than one. He helped me re-route grape vines to make a canopy over a sunny area in the back west woods.  He picked up a lot of the branch deadfall and stacked it in the firepit area as I swept off the back porch.  Part of the silence is also not making eye contact, to give each other complete privacy. It’s a powerful practice, forcing one to choose carefully what needs to be said and what does not.  It’s amazing how much does NOT need to be said. I’m not talking about a vow of silence forever, this is just taking a week’s break at a time to reboot the body, mind and spirit.  My house is feeling like a yogi’s home again, after a year of being a householder.  I loved it then, and I love it Now.


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