It is time for ALL non-indigenous practitioners of Earth Wisdom to step forth and be who they are

It is time for ALL non-indigenous practitioners of Earth Wisdom to step forth and be who they are, representatives of a contemporary Earth Wisdom, and stop seeking to gain points by piggy-backing their practices upon the honor and respect of the ancient traditions of indigenous cultures. In this approach the practitioners of contemporary Earth Wisdom can earn respect. Respect will never come through misappropriation of another culture’s practices, whether by imitation or claiming ceremonies to be what they are not and were never meant to be.  IMHO… A problem arises when a person or persons have spiritual insight – perhaps even inspired or guided by an indigenous people’s spiritual practices and perspectives – and then pronounce their spiritual wisdom to be that of the indigenous peoples themselves. This is, at best, misguided, and may even be out and out misappropriation… a lie. It does not, however, mean that the spiritual principles being presented are without value or an inherent truth.  

The problem is compounded when the individual(s) presenting their spiritual wisdom simply do not claim it for what it is: of their own inspired receipt. Rather than stepping forth and proclaiming the spiritual principles being revealed as a direct expression of the Earth/Sun/Spirits through the contemporary Visionary, and therefore being authentic and integrous, they seek to ‘authenticate’ the spiritual principles presented by associating them with an already honored and recognized tradition.

In the end, such theft of another culture’s identity and wisdom, a theft through falsification of association, can only give rise to justified indignation and anger on the part of the culture that has been so maltreated.

It is time for ALL non-indigenous practitioners of Earth Wisdom to get the guts to step forth and be who they are, representatives of a contemporary Earth Wisdom, and stop seeking to gain points by piggy-backing their practices upon the honor and respect of the ancient traditions of indigenous cultures. In this approach the practitioners of contemporary Earth Wisdom can earn respect. Respect will never come through misappropriation of another culture’s practices, whether by imitation or claiming ceremonies to be what they are not and were never meant to be.

How does an individual, or a group, set about this change? Firstly, stop saying that what you are doing is “The Sacred Ceremony of Some Tribe”. Put aside the peace pipes, fringed leggings, and beaded headbands (ok, I am being a bit ludicrous in my metaphors… but for a purpose) and just be comfortable with the truth and insight that the Mother-of-Us-All has graciously given to you, one of her many children. Cease trying to validate the authenticity of your Earth Wisdom ceremonies and practices by declaring them to be (Lakota, Cherokee, Kahuna, etc) of some other culture. Be humble. Be dignified. Be both at once.

Jade Wah’oo Grigori