Intuitively Helping Myself

Yesterday I sat down to do my billing and got a pleasant surprise: I’d forgotten that I began the billing last week, as soon as I sent the February mag to the printer.  I didn’t want to send bills out that early, because I always want the advertisers to have the current issue in their hands before they get a bill for the next issue.  So, seeing that my job was half done – I was stoked!  Simply by forgetting I’d begun the billing earlier, I felt like someone else did half the job for me.

Then I noticed I was running out of the pastel paper I print my invoices out on.  I hoped I had enough for this month’s billing.  As I was putting a new delivery of envelopes and labels away in the supply closet, I noticed an unopened ream of baby blue paper, as well as one of yellow and one of orange.  I’d forgotten I had them, so it was as though the Universe just sneaked them into the closet to delight me.  I love it when I can intuitively help myself like that.

Like yesterday, after my bout Wednesday with a tummy bug, I wasn’t eager to ingest anything yet, although I had a hard boiled egg at 6:30am.  About mid afternoon I began thinking of making a soup, a light kind of bland soup just to give me some fuel while my tum recupes.  I opened the refrigerator to find some asparagus I’d bought earlier this week.  I forgot it was in there.  I wrote about The Healing Power of Asparagus just earlier this week.  I suddenly craved an asparagus soup.  Hmmm, more intuition?

So I got out my one pint saucepan and sauteed half a yellow onion, 2 small carrots and one celery stalk in Pam Spray with olive oil.  I filled the pot with water and added 2 bay leaves.  25 minutes later, I added a handful of chopped asparagus and cooked another 25 minutes. I added just 1/2 tsp sea salt and a shake of pepper and basil to keep it lightly spiced.  I nibbled on this soup all evening and felt rejuvenated by it.

Note to self: Next time, remove the bay leaves before pureeing the soup.

<spitting stems>

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