I’ll only talk you off the ledge so many times, then I have to set you free

Why did I un-friend you? If I don’t know you, it may just be that you haven’t made yourself visible to me, so I don’t yet know how interesting and cool you are and how relevant and important you might be to my life.  If so, send me a msg and I’m glad to re-friend you.  If I DO know you and I have un-friended you, one reason I’ll do that is when you consciously choose to repeat a past error and pretend you don’t know it, then want me to counsel with you about it when you clearly didn’t listen the first twenty times.  Domino poured her heart out to me a year ago over someone who she said played her, ripped her heart out, jeopardized her marriage and made her suicidal.  After months of back and forth talking her off the ledge several times and repeatedly telling her to put it behind her, I thought it finally was.  Now she’s chosen to re-engage this person.  She can do what she wants, bless her,  bless all of us, I just no longer want a ringside seat to it.

Why are you knocking at every other door?
Go, knock at the door of your own heart.

RELATED:  Sometimes I just have to unfriend a friend for awhile
Recognizing when someone is a sacred step on your journey.