If you’re having an emotional reaction to the election, you have some inner work to do

cloud-with-heart-in-skyIf your guy is losing, are you furious and frustrated?  If your guy is winning, are you gleeful thinking the losing candidate got what was coming to him/her? Do you continue to judge anyone for their actions? I love situations such as voting because it requires serious thought and forces me/us to look at what I/we really believe.  I tend to believe there is Someone or Something up there or out there that allows it to all play out just as we collectively choose it.  Sixty years’ experience has taught me that things always work out for the best when I expect and believe they will.  Period.  I’ve never seen any evidence otherwise.  So when something happens that I formerly would have considered disastrous, I can either immediately see the blessing in it, or know it’s coming.  As usual, for all to go right in my world, nothing ever needs to change except my perception.

Parable of The Lost Horse – Blessing or Disaster?

A man who lived on the northern frontier of China was skilled in interpreting events. One day, for no reason, his horse ran away to the nomads across the border. Everyone tried to console him, but his father said, “What makes you so sure this isn’t a blessing?” Some months later his horse returned, bringing a splendid nomad stallion. Everyone congratulated him, but his father said, “What makes you so sure this isn’t a disaster?” Their household was richer by a fine horse, which his son loved to ride. One day he fell and broke his hip. Everyone tried to console him, but his father said, “What makes you so sure this isn’t a blessing?”

A year later the nomads came in force across the border, and every able-bodied man took his bow and went into battle. The Chinese frontiersmen lost nine of every ten men. Only because the son was lame did the father and son survive to take care of each other. Truly, blessing turns to disaster, and disaster to blessing: the changes have no end, nor can the mystery be fathomed.