If You Could See Where I Have Gone

This is a poem my mom faxed me a few weeks before she passed, Author Unknown

If you could see where I have gone, the beauty of this place,
and how it feels to know you’re home, to see the Savior’s face.

To wake in peace and know no fear, just joy beyond compare,
while still on Earth you miss me yet, you wouldn’t want me there,
if you could see where I have gone.

If you could see where I have gone, had made the trip with me,
you’d know I didn’t go alone, the Savior came with me.

When I awoke, He was by my side and reached down His hand
He said “Hurry now, you’re going Home, to a grand and glorious land,
don’t worry over those you love, for I’m not just with you,
and don’t you know with you at Home, they’ll long to be here, too?”

If you could see where I have gone and see what I’ve been shown.
You’d never know another fear or ever feel alone.
You’d marvel at the care of God, His hand on every life.
And realize that He really cares and bears with us each strife,
and that He weeps when one is lost, His heart is filled with pain;
but oh, the joy when one comes Home; a child is Home again.

If you could see where I have gone, could stay awhile with me;
could share the things that God has made to grace eternity.

the-flood-72-300x194But no, you couldn’t ever leave, once Heaven’s joy you’ve known,
you couldn’t bear to walk Earth’s paths, once Heaven was your Home.

If you could see where I have gone, you’d know we’ll meet someday
And though I’m parted from you now, that I am just away.

And now that I’m Home with Him, secure in every way,
I’m waiting here at Heaven’s door to greet you some sweet day.

The End of Death As We Know It.  What the crossing over
experience is like as reported by those who have passed

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