If someone disturbs your peace, the issue comes up to be resolved so you can move to the next level

Don't let their words burn you

Let no one disturb your peace. Especially if it’s someone who doesn’t know you anymore, like Domino‘s hateful ex.  He knows her appearance right now means he’s attracting everything that is unresolved in his life in order to settle it once and for all and move past it to the next level.  She’s lambasting him for his new lifestyle and beliefs.  His new happy, purposeful, substance-free lifestyle with friends who support and add to his ideas and his creativity and his spiritual growth.  Friends who encourage him to move forward in his dreams, who cheerlead him every step of the way.  When you have a good flow of happy people, events and circumstances coming into your life and suddenly feel you’ve hit a wall, you have. On the other side of that wall is the next level of what you’ve been wanting.  Right now, everything that is unresolved in your life is coming up in order to be addressed once and for all and move onto the next level.  How fast or slow that happens is up to you.  I always begin with the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian forgiveness process. Let no one disturb your peace. Resolve old issues as they come up. You don’t vibe in that place anymore.  Your happier life awaits you on the other side of resolution.  You’ve got new heights to soar to. It’s time.

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