I try to open files from the wrong program…

I went to open the January magazine and I couldn’t find the file.  Not only could I not find that file, I couldn’t find any of my Adobe InDesign magazine files. None of them.  I could see all the pdf files, but my main files were not listed. WTF? I decided to open it from the external drive.  It wasn’t there either!  None of the files could be found, none of them.  I was surprisingly calm, considering I’d have to create the entire January magazine from scratch. But I could do it in one afternoon. As soon as I realized how easy it would be, I realized that I was in the wrong program.  I was not in Adobe InDesign, I was in Adobe Photoshop. I didn’t see the entire list of files on the drive because it was showing me only those files I could open in Photoshop, my jpgs and pdfs. I had to laugh.  As soon as I realized there was no problem, my awareness expanded and I immediately saw clearly what I’d done.

That’s how it happens in life also. We’re doing everything right and can’t figure out why we’re not getting ahead. That’s because we’re in a different program than we “should” be in. We’re trying to open an .indd file in Photoshop. The wrong program won’t show you all your options. It won’t show you files that it can’t open, so it pretends those files are not there. It’s like the handyman who only has a hammer, so he tries to fix everything using a hammer. If we limit our tools, we limit what is possible to see.  That makes us do things the hard way.  That may be what we’re doing right now.

If we’re in the “right” program, it’s all about the ease of flow. Everything clicks, people come to help, it becomes effortless. When we’re in the right program, when we’ve found our niche, we know it by all the good things we easily attract. So how do we step out of the wrong program and get into the right one?  Seek meaning in your life and you will be guided to it. Ask the Universe to show you what you need to know about where you are and where you want to be.  Then see everything that follows as an answer to that prayer.  All else will fall away. You’ll find yourself in the right program before you know it.