I trade the giant couch for a perfect winged back chair

couchMercury helped me stay goal oriented and productive today. I moved out a giant couch I’d bought a couple of years ago, as it was taking up way too much space in the living room. I like to rearrange my furniture too much to have any one piece be too large.  Plus I like a lot of space between my molecules, and the more sparsely furnished my rooms are lately, the better I like it.  With the couch gone, I cleaned the living room floor, then did some editing and design work, sold 2 ads and 3 subscriptions, and did some billing. After a nap, I ended the day hanging out at the pool with the man, floating on my noodle. I had crispy, crunchy oven fried eggplant for dinner. Later, sitting on the new floral wing chair galpal Pam traded me for the couch, I was hand stitching a kirtan pillow when I heard a big crash from the back office and Benny the Cat came flying out, looking guilty.  He’d jumped up on a shelf that held altar items and knocked them and a lamp over. Nothing was broken. I turned in early, my goal to deliver mags to Melbourne and Cassadaga in the morning.  I love an early start!