“I listened to your Connecting with Your Angels, Guides and Teachers cd and meditated for the first time ever”

I got the best letter the other day, the kind of letter I live for.  I’ve known a friend for a very long time and he is not into what he calls airy-fairy, new-age nonsense like meditation, visualization and affirmations. Forget about creating your own reality, he believes everything is pre-ordained.  Being brought up Baptist and raised Republican, he had a limited lens through which he viewed his world growing up. I’m not hatin’ just statin’ so you know his background.  When his business began failing, his wife left him.  When he began drinking, his health went downhill.  As a friend, I’ve given him pep talks throughout the years, but he made it clear that he did not want me to ever sneak and do any spiritual counseling or psychic readings or hypnosis on him.  Yes, that’s how his mind works, he’s been warned his whole life that people will try to sneak up and trick you.  He’s been told when someone asks him to keep an open mind, that means Satan is about to try to trick him.  He’s been told when you sit to meditate, you are inviting Satan to sit down with you I asked him what did he expect if he sat down with that thought? I told him he can choose to dial in to whatever channel he wants to hear, just as he does on the radio or the tv.  There’s not just one station in there.  Those were the words, he later told me, that were his awakening trigger.

He also told me he read periodically at my blog and in Horizons Magazine but that he did not agree with much of what I said.  Much of it just sounded foolish, he said, but recently some of it began to make sense.  A recent dream he had during a hospital stay made him look at his lifestyle and question his beliefs.  And the dream also made him ask me to teach him to meditate and “connect with guidance inside him”.  That’s when he asked about my Connecting with your Angels, Guides and Teachers CD.  It’s now out of print but the text is in the link at the end of this article.

He read the summary at Connecting with your Angels, Guides and Teachers -What to expect from the experience:Before working with the recording, have an expectation of success. If you are skeptical of the process, or skeptical that it could work for you, that is ok. A fish doesn’t have to believe in the ocean. However, at least for the period of time you are listening to the cd, set aside all doubt and let go of all resistance. Guidance isn’t always a booming voice from the sky. It often shows up as subtle synchronicities in your daily life. One purpose of this recording is to help you reframe your ordinary daily happenings so you can detect divine guidance everywhere you look for it. Once that happens, your invisible helpers begin to make themselves known to you and soon you will experience conscious contact with them.”

He said he didn’t want some Indian chief popping in and talking to him.  I assured him that wouldn’t happen (crossing my fingers).  He listened to the cd while lying on the couch in the den, while I sat in a chair across from him.   He’s a man with TMJ, RLS, and a variety of nervous twitches, and when he began relaxing, all tension left his body.  His face relaxed into an expression I’d never seen in the 20+ years I’ve known him.  I went into the office to give him privacy. It was almost two hours later when he knocked to say he was leaving and would chat with me later about what he experienced.  A week later he sent me this:

“I listened to your Connecting with Your Guides cd last Saturday.  It was my first hypnosis or self hypnosis time ever.  During the relaxation part in the beginning, I kept opening my eyes and moving my fingers to make sure I was not in a trance.  Then I felt “safer” and stopped wanting to do that and felt more relaxed. When you said something like “melt into the Universe” I felt like a star in the big night sky alongside all the other stars and all of us connected and interwoven like one big security blanket for each other. I felt like I was miles above the earth looking down at it, like I could hug it.  You know I am not a touchy feely person or a tree hugger type.  But I felt like I was then.

You talked about becoming a silent witness to the movie I am living in. I saw my daily life in a new way. I saw I miss a lot in the moment. If I think about something later, I can see what I missed.  And thinking about it later is all meditation is. I meditated for the first time ever.  I will do it again. I will do it for my business also.

The last week as I’ve went about my work day, there seemed to be more content in what people say and  in what the headlines say.  Everything seemed to have more meaning.  I remember some of the suggestions on the CD said that, but it is interesting that it actually happened.  Things don’t worry me so much now.  Part of that is because now I can understand why it is happening or at least how I got here.  I can also see new ways to get myself out, too.  I feel more confident and secure, more capable like I have a new inner strength, like God is inside me.

This is also an apology for the years I kept my mind so closed when you could have helped me.  Thank you for knowing when to back off but I’m not ready to talk about that yet.  But thank you for whatever you did that opened my eyes and ears.  I will listen to your cd every night.  It has awakened me to new life.”
### end of Robert’s letter

Wow. I live for feedback like that

Read first.  Connecting with your Angels, Guides and Teachers -What to expect from the experience

Read next: Activating Your Third Eye and Connecting with Your Angels, Guides and Teachers

FREE MP3 Download Activating your third eye

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