I know you don’t know how bitter you sound in your FB posts

stop complaining72To a few beloved friends: yes, you’ve been dragged through the mill. You’ve been played, betrayed, lied to, cheated on, stolen from, disrespected, mocked, underpaid, undervalued and left for dead. But look how strong you are, you made it through and it’s over. The only way it can continue is if you keep bringing it to mind and talking about it. Making all your Facebook posts be about the job and coworkers you teddy bear bandagedhate and all the men who are players and the women who are gold diggers makes you sound bitter. Even your humor is cutting and sarcastic. That gets old. That makes friends keep a distance from you. I know you’re not angry and bitter all the time.  Let everyone else know it as well.  At the end of this year, put the past behind you once and for all.  You were a victim once, we get it, you’ve drummed it into us for years. You’re not anymore. Get down off the cross. It’s a new day. Your new beginning starts now.

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