I just took a photo safari in my yard

Tuesday, February 17, 2009.  I just took a photo safari in my own yard.  I found some interesting things but some wouldn’t translate well into small photos.  Like two cuttings of turk’s cap I just put in the yard a month ago are only 6 inches high but each developed a bud and bloomed!  The weather has them fooled.  The mulberry blooms are too tiny to see and the loquats are still green, but my scheffelera arboricola has beautiful berries.

I also found both my cats in the yard, Yin Yang who was hanging out on the cement bench in the courtyard and Izzy, who was watching Yinny from across the yard.  I catch Izzy stalking her all the time, but she’s a real victim mentality who cries wolf, so they have definitely attracted each other.  Yinny doesn’t even like that Izzy gets to share the same planet with her, much less her house and yard and food.  No matter that he was here first….  It’s funny sometimes watching the cat politics that go on.  Now that I have only two felines, it is kept to a minimum, but even a third cat adds an entirely new dynamic.  When I had 5, that was always interesting to watch.  Plus when there is more than three, I find, they get into eating contests to show domination, and that can get costly.  (Plus when there is more than three, I run the risk of becoming that crazy cat lady down the block.)

And, finally, there is an east garden angel as she looks when the sun is going behind the pines.  I love to watch the light play on her as the sun moves across the sky during the day.  Sometimes she seems to dance for me.  I love it how the Universe arranges my world to delight me, no matter where I am.

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