I hit the floor running this Monday morning

A busy day so far, I was up early to begin billing, opening mail, went to the bank and post office, got my oil changed and tires rotated, got water bottles refilled, went back to the bank. Lunch was a head of romaine, a hunk of smoked provolone flavored soy cheese and a cup of hot veggie boullion. I went to the vet and got Frontline Tritek for the cats, came home and hunted them down and applied it. I brushed two kittens’ worth of fur out of Izzy’s coat. I emptied the garbage and recycling cans into the bins outside, I watered the front bamboo while I swept the front walk. I walked the property and dragged the oak branch deadfall to the firewood pile and separated the kindling. I did the dishes for the last two days, I use 3-4 cups and saucers and spoons each day. I cleaned the floors and even cleaned the car seats. How I find time for a job I have no idea.  I was glad to see this post 10 hours later, when I felt I hadn’t accomplished much all day.  It was just not much computer work…