Age 26 and your hobby is getting loaded? Who am I to judge?

As I was waiting to pick up a friend from work, I heard someone outside the office on a cell phone trying to find a ride home.  I asked where he was going and it was right on 0ur way home.  Jeremy asked him what he did for fun and he said he hung out with his roommates at the bachelor pad and got loaded.  He’s 26.  Ah, youth. Oh, I left out the best part. The apartment is right behind the bar, so it’s easy to walk to and nobody gets a DUI.  I love when I catch myself being judgmental. He’s split from his wife and child and been thru jail, I don’t know how hard life has been for him, he probably needs to relax a little. And no I shouldn’t be ashamed of myself for judging him, just be thankful I can catch myself at it pretty quickly and correct it.