How rejuvenating to my brain to take a few days of silence and take long walks each day

I’ve been taking several walks each day. For some reason, my legs want to walk. My shins hurt from the extra walking, and I find myself walking a little fast, but this is a strong body and I’m up for it. I’ve been taking just one of my trekking poles with me and sometimes Daddy’s old wooden walking stick. I posted on Facebook that I was taking a day of silence, and a pal wrote: “Not sure if being silent and posting I3, I’m counting 13 posts. How is that being silent?” I told him “LOL thanks for counting and good point! Silence to me comes in stages. The first stage is having no conversations with anyone except myself, entertaining surface thoughts. That’s the stage I’m in. A next stage is deeper thoughts with myself, and I will even share those, since I’m a writer and I journal thoughts. A next stage is thoughts that are unnecessary to share. A next stage is no thought, simply observation and basking in the goodness of It All.  I may not get there this weekend…”  

As I took my evening walk, the moon was so bright coming over the treeline, I could not look at it for long. Walking back west, I watched my shadow almost as if it were daylight. I wore my $8 padded flip flops on this walk and they were great for walking in the street.

The next morning’s long walk was with my padded flipflops, to see how I felt after doing the whole route in them. It was a grand success, plus I walked all the way down to Bayside Lakes Blvd and up to the man’s and watered his plants, and back home. It was the longest I’ve walked at one time in these shoes for sure. They are mega comfortable for walking on the pavement!

Afterward, I drove the route to Bayside Lakes Boulevard and it was four miles round trip. I can’t believe I walked that without knowing it. When I walk on the treadmill, I don’t pay attention to how far the distances I just look at how fast in the incline. I’ve impressed myself. It is weird walking that route, because I am on Eldron Boulevard where all the traffic is and everyone can see me. I like walking in the woodsy parts where there’s only a few houses and a bunch of woods like my neighborhood.

RELATED:  I walked 4 miles easily because I thought it was 2