How I Get In The Healing Vibe: Basking and Belly Breathing

A friend just finished a round of chemo and was feeling better.  I said, It’s good to feel good, huh? It was cool last night so windows are open to the nature sounds. That’s always so healing for me: simply sitting, listening, feeling the air on my face, feeling how comfortable my body feels where I sit, knowing every day is a new possibility. So if I can take moments to just sit and bask in how good it feels in the moment, right now, I can make those moments last. That is what I find puts me in that receptive healing mode.  It helps me to do deep circular breaths as well. I breathe in as deeply and fully as I can. I pooch my tummy out on the inhale and bring my navel to my backbone on the exhale. If I do a slow controlled exhale, the inhale will take care of itself. I raise my shoulders a little as I get to the deepest part of the inhale, to expand the lungs more. More oxygen to the cells= faster healing. It’s a really good anxiety reliever as well.  This practice can accelerate your healing, getting more oxygen to your cells and clearing your mind.  It sounds easy but daily breathing and meditation and appreciation can be a 12 hour a day job.  If you do it right 🙂