How an 8 foot tall woman is changing the music industry

Amanda Palmer is a burning flame in this world.  This is a beautiful dialog on art, the state of the music industry, connection, and trust.  An elegant insight to the art of simply asking.  See her Ted talk at How an 8 foot tall woman is destroying the entire music industry.  How?  ”Mission Statement of Amanda F. Palmer: DEAR DOWNLOADER of MUSIC, this store is built on a “pay what you want” philosophy for my digital music. i firmly believe in music being as free as possible. unlocked. shared and spread. i believe that in order for artists to survive and create, their audiences need to step up and directly support them. honor system.   no judgment. if you’re broke – take it. if you love it, come back and kick in later when you have the money. if you’re rich, think about who you might be karmically covering if you really love this record. once you have it, SHARE SHARE SHARE! COPY COPY COPY! SPREAD THE EVIL!!! we are the media. I also release all of my music and writing using the Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)” license. If you want to understand what this means, google Creative Commons.  LOVE, afp”  She raised over a million dollars with about 25,000 donations.  

A comment by my real life pal  Robert Goldberg: ”Oh. Speechless. Just this: I think maybe sometimes an avatar stops even pretending. She just perfunctorily slaps on some flesh makeup and burns light into the world, no matter how. Such a person will be known by smiles, tears and seeming miracles. She may even forget who she is. But she’s an avatar all right. Wow.”

An awesome song here, good video, listen to her whispered words. Yes, listen. ASK also, but listen.  Check out all her songs and videos. The lesson is all about connecting with people, asking and allowing them to share with you what they will.

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