Hot flashes! Sometimes ya just gotta give in and go with the glow. Mine began at age 42 and 19 years later I still hot flash. I tried everything for it through the years, and found that everything works… the creams, the pills, the herbs… for awhile anyway. Different foods bring them on for me: dairy, soy, pickled or spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods. I wrote about mystical menopause and sage-ing while aging here. Stress brings hot flashes on as well, even unconscious stress. They don’t bother me anymore and are down to a few times a week. Hot flashes and sleep changes were my only menopausal symptoms, no moodiness, no depression, no dryness. Had I to do it all over again? I wouldn’t take anything for it, I’d eat a healthy diet of unprocessed food and stay active and maintain proper weight.