You tune out the dead like you tune out the living

A friend asked during a psychic reading session, “I am beginning to sense ghosts – or whatever – around friends and family. I don’t care for it.  How may I send them away?”  My answer was that it’s less about sending away the non-physical ones who seek you out than it is about perceiving the situation in a different way. It doesn’t matter if it is a deceased person, a ghost, an etheric imprint, an astral shell or a thoughtform.  Whatever anyone calls it, “they” will always be in the background of the ones who are sensitive to it and attracting it. It’s about strengthening your own power to enable you to dial them down to fade them into the background. So, instead of making them go away, you’re embracing them at the same time as realizing your power to tune them out when you want to. When you go to the market, you don’t get so wrapped up listening to the other shoppers that you forget what you’re there for.  No, you simply stay focused and pay no attention to the background sounds.  It’s the same idea.  Physical distractions or nonphysical, you choose where to keep your focus.