Florida homeowners can ask their mortgage company to delay payments but the full 3 months is due at the end of the 90 days

If you are in Florida and have a mortgage, you can do this, contact your lender. I just did it with my mortgage company and my next payment is due in 90 days.  Please note that all 3 months’ payments will be due in 90 days.  The lender is required by federal law to give you this if requested. Homeowners FINANCIAL HURRICANE TIP: As we now live in a Federally declared disaster area (State of Florida), if you have a mortgage, your mortgage holder is required by federal law to give you a 3 month forbearance (M&T called it a moratorium) on your mortgage payments at no cost and no credit implications, if requested. My next payment is due December 2017 and the amount due = the full 3 months’ amount.  If you want the 3 months to be added to the back end of the loan extending the term 3 months, you need to request a loan modification instead. After I wrote this, I cancelled mine and just made the payment. It was less hassle than trying to get the homeowner assistance guy to give me a straight yes or no answer. I told him it was my understanding a forbearance would extend my loan by 3 months and those 3 months would be due at the end of the loan, is that correct? He could only read a prepared statement to me.”


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