Don’t take score too soon, give the soup time to brew

Hanuman open heartIt might be easy to say a friend doesn’t care to make amends if it involves any soul searching on their part. But that would be a limited, egoic mind’s perception of it.  We all process things differently.  The immediate response of someone with no emotional vocabulary will be different than someone who is used to talking everything out.  One may feel cornered and initially respond like a trapped animal. And they ARE trapped, trapped in past programming of maybe as a kid being interrogated and in trouble, who knows. You may think you are asking a casual question. They may take it as a verbal attack. They may respond in anger.  That is just the egomind/personality feeling it must defend from the overshadowing of the soul. It will pass. It’s been asked an important question and it would like to know the answer itself. Give it time for thought.  The personality wants the soul to unfold. It is just unfamiliar ground, so the first steps are shaky and uncertain. The beaten dog can bite the kindest hand. Don’t take score too soon.  Don’t take score. Let the soul unfold itself and keep the question in motion. Give the answer time to brew and there will be joy in the sharing of it.

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