DejaVu all over again? I reconnect with a blast from the past

I was awoken about 8:00pm Tuesday night by a knock on the door.  I was going to ignore it, since who shows up without calling??  It was a friend I’d not seen for maybe a dozen years, who lives nearby.  He’s not a techie cell phone kinda person.  He had his small dog with him.  He was in town visiting family, told me he’d gotten in trouble with the law a few years earlier, did a few month’s time, got sober, and became a Baptist after half a lifetime of studying  paganism.  He wanted to talk about the switch in his beliefs and perceptions.  Having all my Aries planets in the 12th house, it is part of my path to be in contact with people who’ve been incarcerated and addicted. As a 22 year criminal defense paralegal, I recognize that sh*t happens.  If we’re wise, we grow up and do better.   

For more than a decade, I was in metaphysical discussion with Domino and knew him to have a grasp of  the bigger picture.  Since becoming a Baptist, he said, his business was booming.  He worked out the karma with his demons.  He is in the process of learning to get online and format his writings for Kindle on Amazon. He wants to bridge the language between the pagan and Baptist traditions.

I was sound asleep when he’d arrived, so the entire visit unfolded in an almost dreamlike state.  Domino and I had several lessons together in the past, many synchronicities and, as we’re both seekers on the Path, we recognize them as lessons and speak about them as we’re experiencing them.  On some level, we have unfinished business.   I could see myself being presented with an opportunity to, on some level, repeat a scenario of 2011-2012.  Maybe to see if I really got that lesson or not.

I’d said the other day that I could see how I’d attracted my last relationship, being so focused on the convenience of someone who lived close by and expressed intense interest in the work I do. I let myself get so wrapped up in my ex’s words that it took me awhile to realize he was just echoing me back to me with no real interest.  The habitual lying and drama-causing, someone I thought was a brother on the Path was not. These things were flooding my mind as Domino sat before me in my newly cleared space.

I’d wondered who would be the first ones through the door after the energy clearing we did yesterday.  I cannot be surprised it was Domino.  We have much in common and many lessons behind us, perhaps many more to learn.  I tried to find him a year ago, but no one had a current contact number for him.  But because the thoughts of the ex came up out of nowhere as Domino spoke, I knew that meant to pay attention.  I’m not sure to what.  I have zero interest in a romantic or sexual relationship with anyone anytime soon.  We exchanged numbers and spent time at lunch the next day.

As I’d contemplated my ex, I brought to mind that I liked the fun and playful parts of him while I agreed I could do without the x-y-and-z of him.  I prefer someone near my age, who’s found meaning in their life experience. Someone who knows how to engage in honest and open communication.  Someone who not only talks the talk but walks the walk.  But no matter how much I think I’m happily out of the vibe of my ex, if I’m attracting one from the past with a similar story, down to raising a houseful of small dogs, I’m still too near the vibe to even consider getting close.  But how interesting and predictable to see the Universe work so quickly once I began focusing my thoughts on how good my life is and how much better it gets every day, with more and more of the right people filling in the spaces, if there are indeed spaces that need filling in.

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