Cult Awareness Helpline owned by Scientology? LOL

A girlfriend and I were talking today about my earlier post Praying Parents Get Jail For Child’s Death.  We’ve both had family members who were involved with religious cults, and even had a brush or two ourselves.  I began going to a few websites I know where former devotees of religious cults have discussion forums.  Posted on the site, and on many cult awareness type sites are the words:

WARNING! The Cult Awareness Network (CAN) was bankrupted and bought up by Scientology. We strongly recommend you do not contact them for assistance.

I thought: “Too funny.”  Scientology buying up a business known for its cult awareness resources? WTF?  I can see it now.  People having been involved with a cultish organization, already in that fragile, misguided mindset, looking for help out, then Googling “cult awareness” and getting the Scientology folks come to your rescue. Out of the frying pan, into the fire!

Of course, they don’t say, “Hi, we’re the Scientology folks,” and they use an ever changing list of business names.  And it’s not just them, network marketers such as IBI and CEO Space do the same thing, shuffling company names and buying out websites that criticize them for their cult tactics.  People are not always who they say they are.

So how do you know if who you turn to for help is the hand UP or is the hand out to the fire?  Do you just take your chances and hope for the best?  Do you spend weeks researching every page Google gives you to wade through all the weblinks, knowing the first many pages will have been search engine optimized by the big dogs to have their pages listed first.  Or do you realize that this, like everything else in life, has everything to do with where you place your focus and how you feel when you focus on it.

i went through periods of psychological abuse, we all have.  If I want to, I can dredge up every old memory of every old injustice and carry it with me forever, and see the entire world through that filter.  Or I can just realize that was then, this is now and life is good.  There have been many times in my life that I wanted to talk to someone about something I was going through, however did not know who to trust.  Each time, years later, I was glad I had not shared information with one particular person or another, although at the time I thought I knew them well and trusted them.  So I’m that way now as well.

I’ve learned that if I can bring myself to a place of stillness on a regular basis, I can trust my own inner guidance.  Here’s one meditation technique. I’ve learned that if I keep things light hearted and fun, and help lighten others up, I will be guided to increasingly helpful people, good circumstances and events.  If I stay focused on the problem and keep digging for evidence of the dirt, then I’m leading myself down a road I really don’t want to go, because no one stuck on that road is vibrating where I want to be.

So once again, it comes back to me.  No matter what is happening to me, I know I need to vibrate in a better place before I can get in that better place.  And sometimes I have to get there on my own.

Sometimes I am the most upbeat person I know and if I want to be uplifted, I’ve got to do it myself, for myself.

I can whine about it or I can just do it.

I’m used to it. It ain’t no big thang.


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