Bio Magnetic Touch Healing

The idea of this method is based on the fact that there is a neurological association between the surface cells of the skin and the autonomic nervous system of the body (the sympathetic nervous system), which controls all the biological functions and internal organs, the endocrine glands and the immunity system of the body. Bio magnetic touch healing is one method used for complementary medicine using the bio magnetic energy of the healer. This trend appeared in the United States of America via the International Organization for Bio Magnetic Energy (I.F.B.M.). Nevertheless, there were some researching attempts to prove that this trend appeared before in ancient Egypt. However, these researches have not finished yet.  This method, due to being modern and effective, and after conducting researches on it, is taught in some of the nursing schools in the United States of America and in some of the advanced countries of the world.

The way used in this method is based on the fact that the healer or practitioner touches particular areas of the patient’s skin, which are defined as centers of body energy that stimulates the body to the defect or disease areas. Accordingly, the patient’s body provides a self-healing by means of redistribution of its energy. A one touch is gently provided by the forefinger and the middle finger together from 6 to 8 seconds. This shall be done lightly softly enough to call it the “butterfly touch”.

It is also known that in case of continued balance, or rather, in case that the sympathetic nervous system is slightly stronger, body shall be in good condition. In case of defect of this balance, different diseases originate as simple as such a scientific fact discovered in researching and experimenting in the bio magnetic healing laboratories of America.

Complete medical and scientific reports were taken from the groups of volunteer patients before and after the healing sessions. Tangible changes were recorded in many cases, like nervous tensions and fatigue. Also, the movement and sense functions of some of the nervous and movement systems diseases improved as well as in cases of heart, diabetic and immunity diseases healing pain and providing relaxation.

This is similar to many types of complementary medicine methods that also depend on healing through skin surface as in Chinese needles, as well as some of the methods of physical therapy common in the whole world due to the fact that the human skin is the biggest member of the body and is not separate to it. Accordingly, 18 point groups were discovered and found covering most of the skin surface being near to most of the internal organs of the body, glands and brain. Superficially, it works to stimulate the nearby organs and may be the remote organs too in a safe, effective and no-medicines, no-surgery and no-penetration manner to rebalance the vigorousness of many organs that suffered sickness default. Hence, the role of bio touching is complementary and effective to prescriptive methods and traditional western medical treatment. It goes in parallel with it and is complementary to it for the benefit of the patient. In addition, it causes no harmful side effects. We hope that this method is approved as a means complementary to traditional western medicine that is practiced in physical therapy or to be taught to physicians and nurses, or rather consenting to establish centers devoted to this particular type of healing.