Astrologically, a friend has the planet Uranus in her 12th house, with challenging aspects

A galpal is going through some confusing times and I did her astrological transits for her.  The transits are a predictive astrology report showing where the planets are now and how they are  aspecting the birth planets.  Right now she has the planet Uranus in her 12th house, wherein we are invited to face the evolutionary limitations created by attachment to our individuality and circumstances begin to arise, helping us let go.  It can be an intense and confusing time, but it can also be a real impetus to put hand to the plow and do what needs to be done, in surrender. Her interpretations read:

Transiting Uranus in Aries in the Twelfth House
During this transit, lasting about seven years, you may suddenly be forced into confrontation with secret and mysterious parts of your psyche that have been acting all along to influence your life. This transit can be an important time of testing how well you have integrated these areas into your reality. You may experience some sort of transformation in the secret places inside yourself that symbolize the mystical urge for union with a higher power. It may be that these important although subtle aspects of your unconscious motivation have not been fully brought to your conscious awareness until now. During this period, you may therefore have the opportunity to access these hidden parts of your psyche and integrate them into your overall consciousness.

Transiting Uranus in strong square with natal Jupiter
Feelings of restlessness may come up for you in a big way. Sudden departures could become the norm. You may decide to leave on a trip, or your plans for the future could change rather rapidly at any point during this period, or a planned educational experience may suddenly alter. Existing travel plans are also subject to changes and increased energy during the course of this transit. Jupiter also symbolizes your faith and your aspirations, and your spiritual or religious feelings, and these are subject to sudden enlightenment or at the very least, abrupt changes in perspective. You have a real need to express your individuality and your independence at this time, and renewed positive energy toward your own uniquely personal goals. The essence of this transit is that you are coming into powerful spiritual insights that will help to change your basic beliefs over the course of time.

Transiting Uranus in opposition with natal Pluto
You are entering into a new phase, one that comes as something of a shock to your established system. This transit sparks your urge for self-transformation and regeneration. There is a seismic shift in the works for you, based on letting go of parts of your life that have outlived their usefulness but that for one reason or another you have chosen to hold on to. Conflicts and drastic changes may come up for you during this period of time. You are likely to have new spiritual insights during this period, or find that your will to be different and to find your own unique pathway forward is more powerful than usual. You are undergoing an important transition in your life, entering an entire new phase of existence, in which the habitual patterns and concerns of the old way of your world may vanish entirely or diminish in their importance.

Transiting Uranus in semi-square with natal Ascendant
Transits to the Ascendant affect self-expression, including your creative potential and your sense of well-being. Your physical vitality is also affected, and your attitude to life in general. The disruptive and unsettling energy of Uranus comes into your conscious awareness as a result of this transit, leading to a radically new level of understanding.

Transiting Neptune in strong square with natal Saturn
You are in for a potentially stressful period in which it is hard to tell which direction to go in your life. This is a time of great confusion and uncertainty, as the habitual structure of your life is called into question by new insights and awareness, and you feel somewhat disoriented as a result. Perhaps you are being pushed to make changes are in the direction of greater compassion and concern for others, and less purely selfish behavior. You are unsure whether to maintain the rigid structure of your older and more established habit patterns, which even if not totally working for you at least provide security, or to make important changes that seem to be calling to you from the still small voice of your spiritual center. For now, it benefits you to find a way to simply suspend yourself in the uncertainty of it all. You may be afraid of movement out of your narrow self, and into a broader outlook, but when the current period of time passes, the way clears and you find yourself ushered into a reality that no longer feels elusively just out of reach.

I love doing the transits because they show that, no matter how challenging a time you may be going through, it is a natural cycle and there is an end to it, and a way to navigate it with relative ease.

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