Arielle Ford’s Soul Mate Secret on Today Show

Tuesday January 6, 2009

Yesterday my friend Arielle Ford was on the TODAY SHOW talking about her book The Soul Mate Secret.  You can see it at The Today Show.  As a publicist for some of the world’s leading personal development, metaphysical and self-help authors including Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Dean Ornish, Jon Gordon, Gary Zukav, Louise Hay, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and more, Arielle has seen her share of miracles and dreams come true.  Arielle also created The Soul Mate Kit: Use The Law of Attraction To Attract Your Soul Mate.  In it she shows you step-by-step how she attracted and manifested her soul mate.  After she gifted me with the kit I went through her process with 2 friends of mine and they “miraculously” attracted new – and surprisingly suitable – partners for the first time in years.   I didn’t want to do the process for myself, because, well, frankly, I don’t  want a partner right now.  Life is so good as it is!  I don’t try to fix what isn’t broken 🙂

Yes, the market is pretty flooded with soul mate and law of attraction titles and books on how to affirm and do treasure maps and visualize.  Most of them – and believe, me I read lots of them – seem to be written in a hurry by someone who was real interested in getting to press before their key phrase (soul mate, law of attraction) was off the lips of the public.  Most of the material their work contains is simply a superficial overview of someone else’s writing (usually Abraham-Hicks) and in the text and exercises you can see they have clearly missed the essence of the work.  This goes for many authors, yes even some that were in The Secret.  Abraham-Hicks has addressed this and also why they were edited out of the second The Secret at this link.  Nonetheless, for some people, what they are reading and learning is an upgrade from what they now know.  There is plenty of time later to fine tune anything they are missing.  Small steps are easier to take.

When I heard about Arielle Ford’s The Soul Mate Secret, I was excited about it because I know her and I know her work and she is really a remarkable teacher.  And she gets it.  She gets the essence and spells it out for you plain as day.  Arielle has another website at Everything You Should Know about book publishing, book promotion, self publishing, and it is a step-by-step guide to show you how to become a best selling author.   Deepak Chopra says, “Arielle Ford is the best publicist in the world.  Learn from her.”  Mark Victor Hansen says ““If you want to become master of your publicity fate, listen to Arielle Ford. She has taken our CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL series repeatedly to # 1.”

Wow, those are some great testimonials from a couple of biggies that she helped put on the map.  She sure knows something!  You go, grrrrlll!

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