A Samurai sics chaos fury on some poor sucker

In 2009, a Facebook friend had her wallet stolen and posted: “To the dirtbag who lifted my wallet tonight and drove around the corner to purchase $700+ of merchandise at Walmart: That funky picture in the back of my wallet is a picture of a sacred, chaotic, magical money ritual. When I did it I brought absolute fury to anyone that steals a single dime from my family. …  Too bad for you, sucker. In this Matrix all around us, I’m a samurai.”  My first thought (judgment) was: If she’s such a flippin’ ninja, why did it happen in the first place?

The Samurai: I’m wishing “chaos” on the sucker mentioned in my post. Chaos fury. Pure chaos magic. Wishing Chaos on someone is wishing exacting magic, and if you knew the reality of this system, you’d both I wasn’t wishing them ill. I was wishing them exacting power. Exacting power has neutrality. Period.

Jan C: Wow. and here I thought chaos was chaos… as in confusion, disruption and disorganization… Didn’t know about “exacting power/neutrality.” So what about the term, “sucker?” Where does that fit in the neutrality aspect? Just curious…

Brock S: The nature of her original post sounded like a scary wish with the words sucker and chaos fury! Just sayin!?!?

Michelle L:  After nearly 40 years of studying “magic” themes I KNOW (!!!!!) KNOW KNOW that ANYTHING you send out in any form has to be held by and in YOU first.  You can’t ‘toss’ a ball you are not holding can you??  LOL So, beware of what you ask for to happen to anyone…  As Andrea says, don’t send what you wouldn’t want to live in your own life!!

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