A rapid manifestation

altar table topI’ve been moving furniture around again.  I rearranged the living room to have a sitting area, a yoga-stretching-dance area and an area for the rebounder, exercise bike, HealthRider and hand weights. I have one rather large table I needed to reposition to give me enough room, but I had nowhere to put it. I never seem to have in this house a place where two people can sit facing each other to have a conversation.  Before, the entire south wall — the fireplace area — was the altar area.  All seating faced south.  When Benny the Cat began traipsing thru the altar items set up in the fireplace, it was time to move them to higher ground.  But where?   

For an hour I pondered what might be the ideal location, and I thought a short, narrow bookcase atop the large table would do the trick.  I searched but all mine were in use.  Not surprisingly, the man called and asked if I needed a tv table, a neighbor was throwing one out. I went over and it was exactly what I’d envisioned would be ideal, even better as it had magnetic glass doors and open access in the back for wiring.  The pale blonde wood color matched the table I placed it altar images horizontalatop.  Now that’s a rapid manifestation! I still have the row of images (see left) above the fireplace and on the mantle.  I moved to the new tabletop altar all the items that were in the fireplace itself.  The fireplace is lined with mirrors and Benny is fascinated with mirrors. I have a lone salt lamp in there now.  When I do early morning yoga, I stand on a carpet before the fireplace and gaze at the images as I move in and out of asana.  On that carpet is where I sit to meditate twice a day as well.  Meditating now on the emptiness of the space is an entirely new experience.  The tabletop altar can be seen from all seating in the living room.  And I freed up a nice big bookcase to hold the rest of the books.  All wishes granted!

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