A lucky and auspiscous day

I had two great strokes of luck today.  First, I went by Natures Market Health Foods and they asked for extra Horizons magazines since so many are picked up at their store.  Yay!  While there, I picked up some nutritional yeast at $7.31 per pound —  a much better price than $11.55 at the Paradise Health chain.  Paradise is right around the corner from me but their prices are always crazy high.  I woke up thinking Roomi and I should get a second recliner and we briefly discussed it.  While we were out delivering magazines, I  thought we might drive up to the Habitat for Humanity Restore  or the large Goodwill store on Wickham or in Rockledge to see if they had one.  On the way to Natures Market, I passed the smaller Goodwill on Babcock, prefering to search the larger stores.  Yet at the last minute, I felt compelled to pulled into the parking lot and go into the store.  They had a tan faux leather recliner, gently used for $45.  It fit in the car.  I love when Spirit guides me to exactly what I want the moment I think of wanting it.

The haunted chair