A letter to a growing up daughter

Domino just sent a letter to his daughter, upon her boyfriend having asked for her (young) hand in marriage:  “Please forgive me for not answering right away. I had to clear my mind of my own emotional circumstance and experiences to focus objectively. Of course you have my blessing. I want only to see you are happy. You have a good head on your shoulders and are more than capable of guiding your own way toward your happiness. My experience tells me that we change a lot in our 20’s and 30’s so please take your time but follow your heart. My experience does not reflect necessarily on yours. As long as you both actively remain a part of each others dreams and worlds you can navigate and grow into the future together. Make sure that both of your physical, mental and spiritual needs are being met continually and that in all these aspects you are both moving forward together. A stagnant mind and\or spiritual life can be hell as we have both witnessed, don’t allow yourselves to become stagnant. Focus on the good but don’t dismiss the bad. Rather address it and move on. Passive-aggressive natures such as your mothers and I have no fruit to offer to a relationship other than to prolong and build up a larger confrontation. Deal with issues upfront and beware of bitterness and stress. Be the perfect people for each other and concentrate on being the best you that you can be. If you are both doing that you will grow to be independent in your own rights and add onto each other rather than foster a relationship of co-dependence. Forgive me for being so fatherly in my response but I have always spoke to you as an adult and I feel this is the perfect opportunity to embark a little wisdom unto you. I love you baby… and you will always be my little grrrl no matter how growny you get. Big Love, Daddy.”