A fun adventure in Publix

At Publix in the checkout, I’m in workout gear and so is the woman ahead of me.  She’s buying Lean Cuisine meals and I’m buying chicken thighs, a pint of vinegar and a white potato.  I remark, “Hey, ima buy what you’re buying if I get to have a body like that.  I was going to buy a 3 Musketeers bar until seeing you. Thanks for the inspiration.”  We laugh.  When her total comes up, the cashier says, “if you buy $1.37 more, you get a $10 gift certificate (for $100 purchase.)”  She looks around  to see what’s near she can buy for $1.37.  I told her “A 3 Musketeers bar is just $1.59.”  She said “I’ll buy you one.” I said “Oh no you won’t, buy my vinegar instead.”

She says ok and the cashier rings it up but it’s only $1.15.  We’re laughing.  “Buy my potato,” I said.  She says “ok” and as the cashier is ringing it up, I go to hand the woman $2 for my vinegar and potato.  “No thanks,” she said, “you just made my day.”

My total without the potato and vinegar came to $6.66  LOL  Old habit, what to buy to change the total so I reach around and grab an Almond Joy.   The cashier looks at me like I’m crazy or maybe just a fibber since I just said I wouldn’t eat a candy bar, me being so inspired and all…   I smiled an inner smile since I don’t eat coconut or nuts.  But these are my cousin’s favorite.  Now the test to see how long it takes him to read this to know that it’s in the freezer…

UPDATE:  it took him 12 hours