A blissed out day with healing friends

Hens and Chicks

A blissed out day today was. I went to Open Mind Zen for Al Rapaport’s dharma talk, saw soul sister Elizabeth Stamper, always a joy! Hung out in nature with galpal (and soul sister from the same hometown) Thea DeDyne  and talked birds, squirrels, hens & chicks and hot flashes. Then to Unity of Melbourne‘s first Sunday Reiki Circle with Lloyd Reiser who cleared the energy in my thumb so it’s completely mobile. Lloyd’s got the juice! He also identified an area that I’d not mentioned and cleared it, he’s the man. When I got home, the cardinal mom stepped off her nest and I peeked! Still 2 eggs in the nest and one getting-really-fat hatchling with 5 feathers. Now I’m wondering how they are all gonna fit in the nest… yes, that’s something good for me to worry about… like cardinals never had babies before… oh no and now it’s raining on them. I am ridiculous. This is not unlike what Al Rapaport said today at the dharma talk: we think we’ve got to be in control of – anything -.