Whether a sincere seeker or a con artist, the remedy is the same

I got an email this morning that alerted my spidey sense. It was a couple of hours before I could respond back but in the meantime I thought to Google his name and email address.  I found info reporting former involvement in financial misdoings, fraud internet crime and a fugitive warrant as well as local court case info for him.  But whether he’s a scammer or a sincere seeker, he asked me a question and the answer is the same.  Ride out past momentum, clean up your past, expand your belief about what’s possible for you and refocus your attention. He wrote: “My name is xx.  I live in DC.  I have read your articles but nothing seems to stick.  I will tell you my situation.  I’m a struggling entrepreneur and i want to trade the financial markets.  At this very moment i am typing this message to you from mcdonalds because of the free wifi.  I am 43 years old. I am homeless and i am presently illegally living in an abandoned house when i know it is safe to break in(my town has no homeless shelter).  I have exactly 0.21cents in my bank account but no money in my wallet.  For food i simply kindly ask people at my local mcdonalds for food and if i don’t eat by 9pm, i look in the mcdonalds trash can for some food.  I have no car and no job since my town had no bus transit.  I filled out a few applications but have not gotten a job.  It is just me because i have no family members willing to help me.  I do not smoke or drink or do drugd.  My heart is 100% set on trading the financial market because i have a natural gift at seeing patterns that work great!!  But because of my situation i seemingly need everything!!  Please help…i don’t know what to do..   

Hi, you’re in a better position than you think you are. A quick Google of your email address tells me you’ve got an interesting background.  I see an article published August 2015 about how you went from a homeless shelter in Hawaii to living on a 2 acre farm in DC.  I won’t address whether the story you told me above about being homeless is true as it’s not my place to judge. But it’s important to understand how you attract your life experience to you for better or worse. I also found these online about you –> mug shot and arrest info for fraud internet crime and a fugitive warrant. It matters not how you got where you are, the remedy is the same. While you’re riding out past momentum, clean up your past, expand your belief about what’s possible for you and refocus your attention.

If you’ve cleared up whatever led to those events — and you’re the only one who knows whether you truly have — if you’ve truly made amends, then you just have to ride out the past momentum. If you haven’t made amends, not kidding, do this process beginning today. http://horizonsmagazine.com/blog/dr-lews-hooponopono-hawaiian-healing-process/

If you had the belief that you could succeed as a financial trader and consistently earn a good return on investments, you would see evidence of that belief and the money would come in from your investments.  You’ll stay in poverty until you expand your belief about what is possible for you.

And I’m making no judgment and mean no disrespect, but if you instead had the belief that it was easy to make people invest when you say certain things, whether those things are true or not. It’s simple cause and effect. If you’re depriving people of their dollars and they are not delivered the return they were promised, that is what will come back to you in the form of future experience.

Again no judgment, it’s pure physics, but when you misrepresent yourself as successful and engage in scams for financial return, you’re telling the Universe that you don’t believe you can make a great deal of money unless you misrepresent and make promises you know are unlikely or false.

Seth said: “Remind yourself that in many ways you are a very successful person as you are. Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity. Remember that.”

Being that i need so much so quickly can you please give me a method or techniques that will give me what i need in order to survive?

If you can consider that you have within you right now the power and ability to make things turn around in your life and go in a good direction, I’d say do a little inner work.

Seth has said something powerful here à Seth: “When you do not know what to do, relax and tell yourself that other portions of yourself do know; they will take over. Give yourself some rest.”

This is one of those “secrets to enlightenment” everyone asks for but few hear and understand. That means say to yourself “I know there are other parts of me that understand what I do not. I ask that these parts help me understand, help me become aware of what I need to know to overcome this situation/ have a new experience/ or just be the best I can be.

Then practice relaxing into the knowing that you have set something in motion that you will soon see evidence of. Relax into the knowing that these other “parts” of you can be thought of (if it makes it easier to accept) as guardian angels or spirit guides here to help you with whatever you ask help for.

You “activate” them by talking to them and asking them for help. If it makes it easier to accept, these other parts of you can be thought of as God whom you are asking in prayer. You might do this twice a day during meditation.

Do the Ho’oponopono process daily as needed as well. How you you know when it’s no longer needed? You will stop having financial problems.  You’ll get a chance to work with good people and you won’t feel any desire to rip them off. You’ll be able to look at it as a sacred service you are doing for a fellow man and you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Everything will change when your desire to MOVE on to something new and improved exceeds your desire to HOLD on to something known and familiar.

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