What does it mean? Injuries, Broken Bones, Feet, the Left Side

everything has meaningA galpal has been commiserating with me having a knee injury since she fractured her foot dropping a box as she was moving into her new house.  Since she was in a new city in a state clear across the country from “home,” she got to spent the first night there in the local emergency room. She asked me what the metaphysical meanings might be so I sent her some info.  I like to give info like this in writing so friends have it to refer to as they heal, like seed thoughts for contemplation. My experience is when I have an injury or ailment, there is always some aspect of personal growth I can use. The sooner I figure out what that is, the sooner my ailment will dissipate. I wrote her:   
Basically you’re overwhelmed right now, so much is new, your body wants you to lie down for 3 days and elevate that foot higher than your heart for half of your waking hours. The legs heal very slowly and often not at all unless they are raised higher than the heart during healing time. I know you have no time to do that. At least when you’re home, lie down with leg thrown over the couch back and have your partner do everything else. You can return the favor later. You need this now.  An ailment is your body’s way of shouting that something needs tending to. Your body is letting you know that you need to make changes in your life or it won’t allow you to continue. Pain and disease show up so that you literally need to stop and acknowledge that the way you are living is not working anymore. Here are some lessons at play:

INJURIES represent anger at the self and feeling guilty.

THE LEFT SIDE represents issues with mother or a sister, aunt or significant female in your life. Holding onto sadness, hurt and loss from the past. Feeling like a victim. Constant criticism and holding yourself back.

BROKEN BONES reflect an issue with authority or structure.

FEET represent your understanding of yourself, your life and others. Feet represent your direction.

PROBLEMS WITH THE FEET represent moving in the wrong direction, ignoring your intuition, feeling confused, lost, ungrounded or out of touch with reality. Feeling stuck, bogged down or obligated to others, missing the big picture. Indecisive. Fear of the future and not stepping forward in life. Too much obligation, feelings of anger, irritation, frustration or rage. A focus on the material things and what you are going to get out of a situation. Trying to break through something using force rather than standing back and allowing it to happen (shooting yourself in the foot.) Not standing on your own two feet.

Use these statements as seed thoughts for contemplation. My experience is when I have an injury or ailment, there is always some aspect of personal growth I can use. The sooner I figure out what that is, the sooner my ailment will dissipate. Spend some time contemplating the meaning of these things in your life to see what you feel applies and is useful, and what does not.  Email me for clarification horizonsmagazine@gmail.com.

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