Connecting with playful others keep me young and vital

happy girl copyNow that I’m almost halfway thru my gig on this planet in this lifetime, I understand a lot more about people. I feel my age is about 35-40 so am amused when some youngblood relates to me as a senior. But I get it. I’m 63. If I don’t know someone, I can look at them and make assumptions about their age and their lifestyle. If I know them and we’ve had fun smiling times, I remember them as more youthful since we’ve actively interacted in playful pursuits. If I’ve known them many years, I see that younger person in them no matter what they look like now. I grew up in a playful family, so when I meet other playful adults, that triggers my inner kid. Connecting with that energy definitely keeps me feeling young. Paying attention to how I treat my body determines how young I look.

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