Drink water to stay hydrated in this heat

water-bottle-pouringYesterday I took an early drive to the beach, so early there were still lots of bench sleepers along the boardwalk. What a cool bedroom to wake up in! I walked up and down the boardwalk twice then sat to watch the sunrise. There were a lot of people on the beach with cameras, it’s mostly deserted that early. On the way home, I bought gas for my lawnmower and was mowing by 8:30am before the sun got too high. It was just 81 degrees and I was under shade most of the way. I usually mow my yard in spurts, the courtyard one day, the front strip along the road another day, the backyard another day. I hadn’t mowed the back yard in two months because I kept slacking on refilling the gas can. The grass in the back yard had grown midway to my calf. It took me a record hour to mow my entire yard. I love yard work. Often I mow without the self-propelling feature, just to give my arms and shoulders a good workout. This day, I used it for the last deep patch in the back yard. The problem was that the taller grass was still wet inside since it was only 9:00am and the sun hadn’t yet hit that area of the yard. After mowing, I was really tired so I took a nap. I later found out I’d dehydrated myself and that was the reason for my sudden fatigue. Seven bottles of water and six hours later I was good to go again.

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