To the Sensitives complaining of everyone else’s negative energy

To all the “sensitives and empaths” out there complaining of everyone else’s “negative energy” attaching to them, if you cleared up and released your own past baggage, it would have nothing to attach to. Big Giant Secret of the Universe: No one can weave a bond of discord with you if you contribute no strands to the weaving. A friend and client keeps hitting obstacles in opening a business and she doesn’t see she’s doing it to herself. Instead of seeking sound advice from professionals and working a business plan, she spends her time chatting with friends, giving all the details of everyone who is jealous of her and wants her to fail in business. It’s all she talks about. She turns molehills into mountains and creates problems where there were none. The thing is, no one is trying to stop her from doing anything. No one cares. She manufactures these scenarios in her own mind to prevent herself from taking the next step and succeeding. Yet she’s been so close, so many times. She talks about how sensitive she is, that she takes on the negative energy of the people she works on. Yet she takes on a business partner with a lot of unresolved baggage, both personally/emotionally and professionally/financially. 

There’s a reason I don’t have business partners. I did in the beginning — 20+ years ago — but as soon as they asked if I’d like to buy them out, I did. To me, no business partners means I get to implement my vision with no one to answer to. It also means funding the work myself and doing the work myself. Fair, enough,

When I hit 39 and began thru my Uranus Opposition, I suddenly felt done working for law offices. I’d put my personal, artistic creativity on hold for 20 years and now I longed for a new direction. At least for now. I began making handmade silk and rayon tie dyed scarves, altar cloths and bedspreads. I began selling them to the several new age stores in town and at the fairs and expos I worked. I handmade gemstone jewelry, bracelets, ankle bracelets as well as altar art. My soul was fed by the creations I made and the time spent making them. Everything sold as quickly as I could make it. When I later adjusted the price to reflect the amount of actual time I’d spent in the creation of the items, I realized that unless I was doing it for the love of it, cost wise it would not pay for itself for me to handmade items for sale. Even I’d be more likely to pay $19 for an altar cloth than $48 just because it’s a handmade version. Even if I made it.

By the same token, I realize that what I do is unlike what anyone else I know does. Sure, other people publish magazines and do readings and create silk scarves, but not like I do. I know my “business” is really just my personality, and I’m the only one with that. There is truly no competition, ever.  Once you really grok that, your business will flourish.

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