We attract out of customer service who we are

I’ve had to spend time each of the last few days on the phone with customer service for several companies and utilities. These are calls I used to dread and put off as long as I could. I’d listen to everyone else’s horror stories of customer service nightmares and forget that I am in charge of attracting my own experience to me. Their experience doesn’t have to be my experience. I can attract a different result with a little pre-paving ahead of time. Since I had to call several, I first got each file in front of me and reviewed it and got clear on my reason for calling. This was how I spent the days while Mercury was retrograde. That means I was prepared when Mercury went direct, and I made the calls. Each one went smoothly, everyone was helpful and pleasant and each call only lasted a few minutes. Yay to me for being in vibrational harmony with ease and joy. We attract out of customer service who we are. And luckily we’re in charge of that.

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