Advertising, Attitude and Abundance

I’d like to voice an observation and a few comments here: Sometimes we make calls for advertising and I encounter some who don’t want to advertise thinking they have to give an excuse for saying no. Bear with me here, this is not a chastisement! I’m sure they don’t realize what they’re doing by stating that “business is slow right now,” or “we’re not doing so well.” What kind of positive affirmation is that?  You can’t put off the bill collectors and say “I can’t afford to advertise right now,” and “business has been slow and the summer is always a bad time,” and expect the Universe to deliver abundantly to you.  The Universe is abundant and is delivering to you all the time; you either allow it or not, by your thoughts to yourself and by your words to others. Every time you say, “I can’t afford that,” or “I don’t get any sales from the last ad,” you are pushing financial gain away from yourself.   Instead, if you – for any reason – choose not to advertise when asked, simply say “not this time, thanks,” period, end of story.  End of conversation.

The success of advertising, as with everything else, is not so much dependent upon the action that is taken (designing and placing the ad) as it is on the consciousness from which the action is taken.   If your attitude is,”Well, business is real slow, so let me put a card in, even though it’s the slow season. It couldn’t hurt and it’s only a few bucks” then expect your response to mirror your attitude there (“I’m not motivated enough to deserve success.”)

If your attitude is, “I believe so much in what I’m doing that I expect to be rewarded for it. While I am feeling enthusiastic and hopeful about my business, I will design an ad that will reflect to everyone just how dedicated I am, and everyone who sees it will catch a glimpse of my joy in doing what I do. I will make a commitment to give this ad 3 (or 6 or 12) months to work for me and after that I will re-evaluate the situation and see if it’s time to make a new decision.”

From that consciousness, people will be more accepting of your ad; but don’t expect them to be more enthusiastic about than you are. The point is, if you – for any reason – choose not to advertise this month, just say “not this month, thanks,” period, end of story.   Don’t voice words about a condition that you do not want to be part of your experience (no money, slow business), for in doing so you are not only lowering your own consciousness relative to that matter, you are lowering the consciousness of the one you are speaking to, and that is not what you came into this world to do.

We choose in every moment what our priorities are. If your priority is to buy a new stereo at the time your mortgage payment is due, own up to the fact that right now you choose to indulge yourself in a new stereo and believe and expect that the right circumstances will provide you with the funds to pay your mortgage on time as well. Just open yourself aloud to the possibility of that happening and don’t feel guilty about your choice. Stating that you can’t afford it, but buying it anyway and then feeling guilty about it is a very counter-productive and unnecessary process.

Own up to the fact of what you want when you want it. Make a conscious choice to indulge yourself or not, depending on the circumstances. If the funds to pay the mortgage don’t appear on time, well, what’s the worst that can happen? Are you prepared to deal with that eventuality with a positive attitude? If the answer is anything but an enthusiastic YES, don’t do it because you’ll beat yourself up for it later.

Again, own up to the fact of what you want to make a priority without making any excuses about it – and without feeling guilty about it. This can be a very healing exercise and when I discovered it, my world changed. Yours can, too.

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