I’m asked what do I think that he’s now advertising his services as a life coach, a spiritual leader, and a spiritual counselor?

Thanks for everyone’s concern and amusement, but he’s entitled to do whatever he feels led to do.  If the fact that his own counsel has not served him well to date, and that he’s never ended a relationship – marriage, job, family – honorably is a red flag, proceed with caution.  I’d only seek counsel from those who were more emotionally stable than I. If their life was a shambles, how could they help me?  They could only view me through the filters of their own issues and limitations, which is the only way any of us view anyone.  So what do I think now that he’s advertising himself as a spiritual counselor? I think he is unaware of some legal definitions and the criteria for using them. Life coach and spiritual leader? I think everyone’s entitled to follow their ever-changing dream.  I’m told he’s not removed the post accusing me of getting him kicked off Facebook, altho he has since learned it was his own doing.  That’s ok,  At the time he wrote that, that was what he thought was a reality.  He’s allowed to have his thoughts. Bless him. I can only wish for him what I wish for myself.


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