Jeremy Bonner, contact Facebook, someone is hacking you (Update: No, he sent them out and got flagged by Facebook)

UPDATE: Jeremy reports he did send them out. That doesn’t explain why the emails were shown as coming from the names of several people who did not send them out, though. At least he knows now I did not get him kicked off FB. I got 4 emails in a row today, one from him and 3  from different Facebook names, and the time stamp made me curious. They did not send them.  This might be his FB problem.  Below is what I got with an attachment I did not open.  Since then, more have told me they’ve been told emails are going out in their name and asking how to report it.  This is how.

Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!
Date: 5/9/2013 4:44:35 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:   Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!
Date: 5/9/2013 4:45:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:   Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!
Date: 5/9/2013 4:46:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time From:

They did not send these out, they should not be going out in someone else’s name.

6:21 pm Andrea: AW, hi, I got an email from AW’ with Subject: Re: New Website ~ AWESOME NEW VIDEO!!

Did you sent it? I’ve gotten a few of them just now all at one time. If you did NOT send it, that might be why he got kicked off FB but it looks like a robot sent them out, all at the same time. I mean if you did that’s fine but if not, someone needs to tell him he’s got a robot spamming his email.

6:25pm FB Friend AW: Oh, how weird, Andrea… No, I actually received an “Auto-generated message” with that subject… sent to me, including others as well.. and attempted to ‘remove myself from the conversation’… ??? Tis very weird!

6:26pm Andrea: this might be part of his FB problem hmmm

6:27pm FB Friend AW: I’ve no idea… I have no contact with him… Just noticed, I have about 8 copies of the same message… This is what one of the messages says:
“Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 This message was created automatically by Facebook. A message that you sent to could not be delivered. We’re working hard to get this problem fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

How To Report A Facebook Violation  If something went out in your name, report it and tell all parties to report it also. I got the notices by email, it looks like those who were not blocked got a chat conversation. Report both the email and the chat conversation.

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