Blessed are those with the integrity to honestly speak their heart and mind so everyone leaves as friends

A mark of one’s character is how they leave past relationships.    Are they still friends with past partners, family and employers? Do they have job references? Do they have a good relationship with the other parent of their child, whether they are together or not? Never for a moment stay with someone you have outgrown, but honor them enough to have the talk right away. Don’t talk to everyone but them. Blessed are the ones with the integrity to honestly speak their heart and mind so everyone leaves as friends.  I’m friends with all of mine (possibly minus 1? too soon to take score).  Well, I’m friends with all the ones who lived, let’s say that.  Some have no role model for ending a relationship honorably. They don’t know what it looks like, so it’s simply “cause a fight and disconnect from anyone who’s seen behind the curtain, demystifying the persona.” As an adult, my “Dear John” is “Hey, I love you pal but I don’t wanna do the boy/girl thing any more, so if we can morph into buddies, I’d be cool with that.”  No lies, no hurt feelings, that’s always the reason.  The truth will set you free.  When I began to feel trapped (difficult to phathom because these were men I deeply loved and enjoyed being with),  I would want to be alone again, to decompress from the time we spent together.  This is over a span of 40 years I’m talking.  I live in a quiet, peaceful and serene setting. I’m glad for the shakeup and wakeup of 2012 because without the contrast I wouldn’t so fall in love with my solitary life again, as I have now, and embrace my own space, my own silence with such a silly grin. Everything old is new again.  Thank you, vibrational matching.



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