This is why we’re here by Raymond Hines (Solari River Eagle)

Yes, I have wild dreams but I love them: Last night was a night of lots of vivid dreams. One I remember most is I was in an area of racial unrest and we, many peoples of different colors, entered this huge nondenominational church, all of us holding hands in many rows. We closed our eyes to pray for peace, this voice from outside the dream came into my head and told me to let the love and light in. So I did what I usually do in meditations to open up the energy and let it flow. Light started flooding into the entire building until there was nothing but pure white light everywhere and I had somehow floated upwards. It was a beautiful feeling. This is what we are supposed to be doing — bringing light and love into this world while we’re here, as best as we can. We have our dark moments and the paradox is without darkness, there is no light. So, in our struggles, we’re making our light stronger and brighter in the face of this darkness that envelopes us at times. Raymond Hines, Owner/Publisher at – The Insider Authority on Gator Sports!

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