I dreamed of the calico bobtail manx kitten

I wrote yesterday that YinYang brought home a playmate as a young calico manx came to visit, lying on the driveway and following Yinny in the cat door to the kitchen.  I know better, so I put her back outside.  This morning, I dreamed I found her playing under my bed, so I picked her up and began petting her.  Yesterday when I first saw her, she seemed clean and fluffy and about 8 months old.  In the dream however, upon closer inspection she seemed about 3 months old, thin with ragged fur and fleas. Fleas! I quickly fed her and ran for the flea shampoo.  In the dream, I felt horrified I’d not noticed yesterday that she was so young, so thin, so ragged and flea bitten.  I felt pain for her suffering, thinking I had the chance to feed and attend to her yesterday and I sent her on her way. As I carried her into the bath, I felt overwhelming sorrow and shame for not noticing her condition right away. All I saw was a cute new kitten demanding attention and being all lovey.  In the dream, I bathed her and flea combed her, I fed her and cuddled her.  As her fur dried, she fluffed out before my eyes, the worn patches filled in and she fattened a little.  Purring, she slept cuddled next to my neck as I wondered, should I keep her? Should I give her away? I was angsting over whether I wanted to take on the responsibility for another being in the household, but if I was meant to do it, I’d do it. She decided for me. She woke up, yawned, and walked out the cat door on her own.  Satisfied the decision had been made for me, I fell sound asleep. I woke up smiling at the play of the Universe.

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