YinYang brings home a calico bobtail kitten as a playmate Posted on May 7, 2013 by msandrea

I woke up this morning to find Yinnie my mini cow hanging in the driveway with a little calico bobtail cat that looked about 8 months old.  When I walked out, she ran over and stood on her hind legs so I reached down and scratched her head.  She began climbing up my jeans, so I picked her up for a cuddle.  YinYang got up and walked toward the cat door, and the calico bobtail scrambled to get down and ran in it before Yinnie.  “Oh no, you don’t,” I thought, as I ran into the house to see them emerge from the cat door one after another into the hallway and casually stroll into the kitchen for breakfast.  Since she seemed well fed, I put her back outside. One kitty is enough.

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