I love when friends take me into the other side of the looking glass

A friend and I have decided we like each other better now that we’ve both grown up.  We knew each other 16 years ago and we’ve both mellowed.  We share a passion for research and study about natural remedies. He knows much about nutrition as medicine, and particularly about physical and mental “diseases” that are nothing more than vitamin and mineral deficiencies. He knows my history of bipolar male family members, so he named particular deficiencies I was unaware of. I’ll have to add them here when I get the spellings. I knew bipolar is partially a deficiency of magnesium and omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins B and C. Deficiency of folic acid can increase levels of homocysteine. Raised homocysteine is strongly linked to depression.  So much can be treated by nutrition, without taking pills that cause so much chemical imbalance.  We just need to educate ourself.  I really like it when I can learn from a friend who knows more about something than I do.  It’s really a turn on to the mind. I love to set those neurons firing.  

He also knows far more about plant species and names.  We wandered around the yard, him naming all my trees and bushes.  Robert is self employed as a mover and painter, and apologized his cell phone kept ringing.  It gave me a look at the other side of being with the one who is always on the phone taking care of business! No worries, work comes first.  I’d forgotten we had so many topics of mutual interest and so many life parallels.   After lunch, we hung out at the firepit and it was a good revisit.  Another thing we talked about was he correlates blood type to personality traits, personal preference and lifestyle.  He made a good case for it.  I asked on Facebook what my friends’ blood types were. I’d hafta research that some more. It was kind of like being on the other side of the mirror, what I might look like to someone else to whom I’m giving new info for the first time, opening new worlds to them.  I love when friends open new worlds to me.  I’m always ready to step on the other side of the looking glass.

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